Monday, June 1, 2009

Happy to be queasy! Scared to feel better.

So far so good. At the ultrasound the baby looked great, it measured 8 1/2 weeks, the heart rate was in the 170's and it was even moving a bit. It was surreal, I cried. For the first time I started to think I might actually be having a baby, not just be pregnant.

But it is still a day to day struggle. I got the doppler but haven't been able to hear anything yet. I have officially "graduated" from the RE and am headed back to my regular OB. Can't say that I am entirely comfortable with that. I have really appreciated having the weekly ultrasounds, it has given me some reassurance and something to look forward to. Not sure what my regular OB will do. I have my first appointment with her on Thursday so I guess we will see.

I am still anxious, today I am not as nauseous so I have been a little worried. I wish I could just know if the baby was still alive. But I am really tired still, and my boobs still hurt. So I will try to take comfort in that. Also my loving husband has given me his cold, so I feel a bit under the weather. . .fun! Today I am pregnant, I love my baby and that is all that matters.


Tracy said...

I totally get it. I wasn't as sick yesterday and I started to panic.

But, yay for a healthy heart beat! and getting to see your baby move!

Alicia said...

I just wanted to say that your pregnancy now sounds just like mine was, and im 22 weeks now!! As for the symptoms coming and going, every 2 weeks or so, my nausea and fatigue would completely disappear... scared the bananas out of me every time. However, its completely normal for that to happen. I had 2 m/c and a CP before getting pregnant this time, so I completely understand how nervewracking it is for you right now. Once you can get a heartbeat on that doppler, it will be a HUGE help with the anxiety. I still have my doppler and use it daily!

dee said...

Here from LFCA....

With both of my pregnancies, I wasn't able to hear the HB at home on the doppler until around 12 weeks. Before that time, I drove myself crazy with worry not being able to find it.

Even though it sucks not hearing it at home, please be patient and good to yourself.

Alexicographer said...

I, too, came over from LFCA and my experience pretty much mirrors Dee's -- at about 12w, I found the h/b via my doppler, but not before that. 8.5 weeks is *really* early. Hang in there. I'm sorry it's so stressful.

Miss Conception said...

Here from LFCA. I am pregnant with twins and wasn't able to hear the heartbeats until 13 weeks. Please don't stress.

Annie said...

I think I was around 14 weeks when I could hear the heartbeat on the home doppler. Most home dopplers are not nearly as powerful as the ones docs use,so I don't think not hearing it at home means anything. But I know that doesn't stop the worry (((hugs)))

Hopefully in another month you'll be able to listen to that heartbeat as much as you want, maybe even sooner!